Approval for the Development of Sei Mangkei Industrial Zone, Kep.Men. BUMN No. S465/MBU/2008 dated May 30th, 2008
Designation of the Sei Mangkei Industrial Zone as a Special Economic Zone (SEZ) following Government Regulation no. 29 of 2012 dated February 27th, 2012
Designation of PTPN III as the Business Entity for Developing and Managing SEZ of Sei Mangkei,Decree of the Regent of Simalungun No. 188.45/193/ Bppd dated January 30th, 2013
Approval of Management Rights (HPL) for Sei Mangkei SEZ covering area of 1,933.80 Ha following the Decree of the Head of BPN RI No. 27/HPL/BPN RI/2014 dated June 23rd, 2014

– Operational Inauguration of the Sei Mangkei SEZ by the President of the Republic of Indonesia(January 27th, 2015)
– Inauguration of PT. Unilever Oleochemical Indonesia (Nov 26th, 2015)
– Award as the Best Developed Industrial Estate Initiated by BUMN from the Ministry of Industry on Dec 17th, 2015