Geographically, North Sumatra has a very strategic position because it is on the international shipping route of the Malacca Strait which is close to Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand. With this strategic position, North Sumatra province can be developed into an international hub which in turn will help drive the economy of other regions on the Sumatra island.
Joko Widodo
President of the Republic of Indonesia
With the legitimation of this RUPTL, the construction of a Steam Gas Power Plant (SGPP) with a capacity of 2×800 Mega Watt will be available for industrial needs in the Special Economic Zone (SEZ) of Sei Mangkei.
Edy Rahmayadi
Governor of North Sumatra
It is located near the trade route, so the number of customer target will be greater because the Strait of Malacca is very strategic, especially Kuala Tanjung is more strategic than Malaysia and Singapore. After all, it will get them first if the customer comes from Europe or the north.
Tengku Erry Nuradi
Former Deputy Governor of North Sumatra
SEZ is infrastructure, part of the infrastructure for economic activity, it can be industrial, tourism, or others. This will encourage the development of investment activities to be spread out more in various regions in the archipelago.
Darmin Nasution
Former Coordinating Minister for Economy
Development throughout Indonesia, including in the Special Economic Zone (SEZ) of Sei Mangkei will involve all existing BUMN and will accelerate the development process from various aspects needed, including infrastructure, availability of energy and electricity supplies, and the manufacturing industry.
Rini Soemarno
Former Minister of BUMN